Learn from the Master Winemakers of Santa Barbara County. We will give you access to the most respected winemakers and some of the best wines in California today. To view the video interviews and the unique footage of these artists at work you must become a member.
Santa Barbara Winemakers features the new and upcoming producers of some of the most exciting premium quality wines made in California today. Each month we will be showing you the cutting edge of the many talented wine makers in Santa Barbara County. We will be featuring interviews, techniques, field work and a host of diverse subjects to help you better understand the creation of Syrah, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc etc. Interviews and footage with great wine makers such as Doug Margerum, Jeff Wilkes, Joey Tensley, Ryan Carr, Paul Lato, Michael Roth, McPrice Myers who are creating the most sought after wines in the country.

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Last update March 2025. Santa Barbara.
The current local time is 01:24:13 pm
:: Content ©2006 admin@sbwinemakers.com ::
:: Videography ©2006 admin@sbwinemakers.com ::