
Santa Barbara Winemakers

Kalyra. 1997 nebbiolo, Santa Ynez Valley, Sanford and Benedict Vineyard. 13.5% Alc

If there is ever an award for bravery in the wine world, I would nominate Mike Brown. Noone comes closer to experimentation. The cellar over at Buttonwood is a study in cojones. Mikes eye has a sparkle when you exclaim the notes on the barrels. The video we will have sometime in the future will attest to some of the juice waiting paitently to be seen and tasted.

The nebbiolo is something different. The immediate sensation on this was tea. Yes tea. Black tea, no less. Usually when you think of black tea, you think of Indian or maybe Chinese. How about Russian? How about sharing a banya with 4 nubile young Russian girls, a mild whacking from birch branches. You need to be refreshed, you go into the cool room and take a spoonful of blackcurrant jam, hold it on your tongue sip some black tea to wash the jam down and then take a slug of smooth vodka, promptly returning for another birching from the next naked young lady. Highly recommended. So too the wine. So too the award for bravery.


May 15. 2006


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Last update March 2025. Santa Barbara.

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