
Local Wine Deliveries

Members Only

Too busy to make the journey into the Valley to pick up your wine shipments? We can do it for you. For more information about this service email us in the first instance to Wine Deliveries. We can also pick up wines that you need even if you have no shipments to collect.

Please Note that this service is only available for metropolitan Santa Barbara including Montecito and Goleta. All recipients must be over 21 years old. No wines will be left "on the door step". All purchases must be made in advance with the wineries. There will be no exceptions.


If you want to comment on this or any other pages on this site please use the Cellar Room. If your category isn't listed, make one up.

Last update March 2025. Santa Barbara.

The current local time is 02:52:27 pm

:: Content ©2006 ::
:: Videography ©2006 ::


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