glass Santa Barbara Winemakers February Edition.

Bruce Vandale - RIP. He passed away on Monday, 20 February, 2006. Obituary from Santa Barbara Newspress

Currently Showing: Fiddlehead.
pink fiddle
Kathy Joseph talks about the new release of Pink Fiddle, her new 2005 pinot noir Rosé. Screening Room
By the way you need Quicktime for this, and the sound turned on.

We'll be reviewing this wine shortly on the tasting notes page.

24 Feb 2006
FedEx announced that it will start accepting shipments to Florida. In accordance with Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation rules, an adult signature will be collected. Shipments cannot go to five dry counties (Lafayette, Liberty, Madison, Suwannee and Washington).

21 Feb 2006
The Massachusetts Legislature last week overrode a Governor Romney's veto of a wine direct shipping permit bill that discriminated against large producers. The bill now becomes law. Out-of-state wineries will be able to apply for a $100 annual permit and ship up to 20 liters per household per month to adult residents of Massachusetts. Larger wineries, those producing more than 30,000 gallons per year, are prohibited from receiving the permit unless they are without wholesaler representation in the state for 6 months.

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Last update March 2025. Santa Barbara.

The current local time is 02:30:55 am

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