Once a month we will be featuring a new piece of artwork that you can download for your desktop image. To purchase a limited edition poster email us.

This poster was designed to represent the reality of the '05 vintage. The perfect growing season. Pure blacks and pure whites. This vintage says everything about what we are to expect and anticipate. A higher than normal yield due to the record rainfall at the begining of the year and a long growing season. Brown seeds, brown stems and berries loaded with flavour. 2005 is a year to remember. Put your orders in now with your favourite Winemaker, you will not be disappointed.
Copies of these posters are for sale through SBWinemakers.
Only $25 + s/h

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Last update March 2025. Santa Barbara.
The current local time is 07:25:13 pm
:: Content ©2006 admin@sbwinemakers.com ::
:: Videography ©2006 admin@sbwinemakers.com ::