SBWinemakers- Bridlewood 2005 Viognier

Summerland 2003 pinot noir Chamisal Vineyard, Edna Valley. #5371 14.1% alc.

You don't want the Bridlewood 2005 Reserve Viognier yet want all the elements but want to drink a red instead. This is the wine for you. A great afternoon wine, even though it runs high in the octane dept. it doesn't give it away. An excellent lunchtime wine, by extension an alternative to any white wine. You may want to add some prima donna cheese or at least some Dubliner and some salami for the Italians on Lake Como, in the cooler box. Nicely fruit forward, suppressed oak and a tanin just firm enough to hold back the first brace from an ocean dip, unnoticeable after a quick towel dry. Strawberry based boiled sweet/hard candy notes bring out the depth of the sweet strawberries you added to the aforementioned cooler. To be enjoyed with a partner drinking the viognier for full understanding. Don't forget to wear white linen shirt if you want to live on the edge.

February 8, 2006



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