
Useful terminology guide

Hugh Johnson's System
Robert Parker's System
Wine Spectator System
Wine Enthusiast System
Basic Juice System

Basic Juice System

How we review
We love wine. We taste a lot of wine. Our wine review process is actually quite simple. All wine is rated on our *highly original* 5-Star Scale:

    5 Stars -

    The perfect wine; great taste and value. Buy it now!

    4 Stars -

    A very good wine at a reasonable price. We recommend.

    3 Stars -

    a good, reasonably priced wine or a very good wine that is somewhat overpriced. May or may not be recommended.

    2 Stars -

    A low quality wine or a wine that is very overpriced. Save your money.

    1 Star -

    Ick. Thank us, we saved you from an unpleasant experience.

What all of this means to you
Of course everyone wants a five-star wine. But don't overlook the four and three-star wines. Complex, exquisite wines are fine, but sometimes you may just want a wine that tastes good. Remember, our reviews are independent. We aren't afilliated with any wine producer. We just want to help you find good wine!

Are we qualified?
You might be asking yourself, "Aside from swilling wine, are these people qualified?" For the record, we don't swill, we taste! Each member of Basic Juice Reviews has received extensive wine education and is currently working in the wine business. We are "wine people" minus the pretense.

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Last update March 2025. Santa Barbara.

The current local time is 10:27:15 pm

:: Content ©2006 ::
:: Videography ©2006 ::


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