Useful terminology guide
Hugh Johnson's System
Robert Parker's System
Wine Spectator System
Wine Enthusiast System
Basic Juice System
Wine Spectator System
Next to Robert Parker, the next most trusted source for wine ratings, wine news, restaurant wine list ratings, wine travel information, etc. is the bi-weekly Wine Spectator. Unlike Parker, the Wine Spectator is a commercial magazine with advertising. Their editors palates' are trusted almost as much as Robert Parker, except that you have ratings from a group of tasters whose opinions can be different from one to another. But they have separated eight editors geographically so that if you are looking at Australian wines, for example, the same editor will be tasting most of the wines. The Wine Spectator has three pieces to their monthly buying guide:
Top Picks of the New Releases, all the ratings in the issue, and the Best in Market pullout card. The Top Picks of the New Releases are separated into four sections:
Spectator Selections
The highest recommendations in each issue.Highly Recommended
Noteworthy bottlings selected from the higher scoring wines in the issue.Cellar Selections
Wines they believe will improve most from additional bottle age and show the greatest potential as collectables.Best Buys
Wines of value with solid scores, modest prices, and wide distribution.Here's how they define it:
Classic; a great wine90-94:
Outstanding; a wine of superior character and style85-89:
Very Good; a wine with special qualities80-84:
Good; a solid, well-make wine70-79:
Average; a drinkable wine that may have minor flaws60-69:
Below average; drinkable but not recommended50-59:
Poor, undrinkable; not recommendedWine Spectator Home Page

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Last update March 2025. Santa Barbara.
The current local time is 02:13:28 am
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